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Softa SuperStore

13.06.2024 • • 03:20

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Security Innovation Cyber Security Awareness Training

Security Innovation Inc. is a global leader in the field of cyber security and enables customers to reduce their overall security risks, prevent cyber-attacks and adhere to compliance requirements by providing assessment services and security awareness training. For over a decade, Security Innovation has been securing the world’s most prolific and trusted software in cars, laptops, anti-virus programs, and more. Organizations around the globe trust the cyber security company’s experts to not only keep their organizations secure, but their consumers as well.

Help your staff to prevent cyber-attacks! With the solutions of Security Innovation Inc. reducing your staffs overall security risks is no problem anymore! The leading cyber security company directly focuses on the weakness of every company regarding security issues: their employees. Security Innovation’s Cyber Security Awareness Training takes an interactive and engaging approach to help employees identify a cyberattack, the value of different types of sensitive data and drive the behavioral change needed to protect it.

Cyber Security Awareness takes up a crucial issue that directly affects ALL your staff: In May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be in force that imposes a great number of new rules on organizations. This means for your business amongst others the obligation to raise their employees’ awareness for dealing with potential cyberattacks and protecting sensitive data.

The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents a significant change in global privacy. It not only impacts companies in Europe but also any organization that does business with Europe.

GDPR Hero Banner.pngAre you GDPR ready?

GDPR represents a significant change in global privacy. It not only impacts companies in Europe but also any organization that does business with Europe.

The GDPR law imposes new rules on organizations that offer goods and services to people in the European Union (EU), or that collect and analyze data tied to EU residents, no matter where they are located.

As cyberattacks continue to grow each year, both businesses and individuals, need to fully understand the importance of keeping data secure and how to properly do so - ultimately, it's up to the individual to carry out best practices. Keep in mind, many of us also use personal devices for work, so keeping this data safe is a full-time job not only when you're at the office but on the go as well.

Want to learn how to protect yourself against Ransomware?

The recent WannaCry cyberattack has hit nearly 300,000 computers in 150 countries! Ransomware like WannaCry has become one of the most popular ways for malicious attackers to extort money from both companies and consumers. As seen in the aftermath, a ransomware attack can take down a network of connected computers all at once.

We have assets to cover the rising interest in ransomware! You can see our Ransomware 2 minute video with your friends. Our Malware Awareness module covers the goals of malware, identifying the many types of malware, including ransomware, and recognizing how to prevent malware infection both at work and at home.

Cyber Security Awareness Training
kyberturvallisuustietoisuuden verkko-opetusratkaisu

Yrityksesi joutuu kohtaamaan suurimman kyberturvallisuusuhan. Tietojen kalastelun ja haittaohjelmistojen vuoksi organisaationne on enää vain yhtä vahva kuin teidän heikoin työntekijä. Gartner Research on nostanut Security Innovationin johtavaksi toimijaksi kyberturvallisuustietoisuuden verkkokoulutuksen saralla jo kolmantena peräkkäisenä vuonna, ja olemmekin erittäin iloisia siitä, että voimme tarjota tämän ratkaisun nyt asiakkaillemme.

Security Innovationilla on jo yli miljoona käyttäjää ja Cyber Security Awareness, eli kyberturvallisuustietoisuuden verkko-opetusratkaisu tarjoaa ennennäkemätöntä joustavuutta sekä hallinnoinnin valvontaa, joiden avulla voitte minimoida kyberriskinne missä vain, koska vain ja millä tahansa laitteella, jossa on raportointinäkymä tai muu raportointimahdollisuus.

Security Innovation voi kasvattaa kyberturvallisuuttasi:

  • Eriyttämällä ja kiihdyttämällä liiketoimintaasi kilpailijoihin verrattuna tarjoamalla sinulle johtavan kyberturvallisuustietoisuuden koulutuksen, joka on saanut Gartnerin tunnustuksen jo kolmena vuonna peräkkäin!
  • Tarjoamalla strategista ja liiketoimintakriittistä arvoa kyberturvallisuusohjelmallenne.

Lisää arvosteluja voit lukea täältä:

Security Innovation has been recognized as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for General Security Awareness Computer-Based Training for the third year in a row!


Leveraging a combination of highly interactive scenario-based training modules and reinforcement assets our general security awareness training program drives the behavioral change needed to protect sensitive data every day.

Staff will learn to recognize malicious email before it becomes a threat, how to properly handle email, and best practices around how and when to use email to send specific types of information.

This course equips employees to recognize the importance of understanding what constitutes private data and how to behave in a proactive manner to protect this information in their everyday work.

In this module, learners will understand the goals of malware, identify the many types of malware, and recognize how to prevent malware infection both at work and at home.

In this module, staff will learn about mobile devices, the ways data can be leaked or lost, and the challenges that arise when the line between what is corporate and personal is blurred.

Staff will be able to identify safeguards to protect passwords as well as techniques used by attackers to obtain passwords. During interactive exercises users will learn how best to create and remember strong passwords, better securing corporate accounts.

This course teaches employees to recognize appropriate protection mechanisms for cardholder data as well as the ability to recognize how the PCI-DSS helps minimize risk to cardholder data

Employees will learn the risks associated with transporting sensitive data and the importance of maintaining personal security when traveling, including best practices to safegaurding their hardware.

Through this module, staff will recognize a malicious email before it can become a threat, understand the various ways in which attackers try to trick and entice users, and best practices to properly handle and avoid phishing attacks.

In this module, employees will identify the many forms of social engineering and its potential impacts, identify techniques used by social engineers and understand how to establish validity of requests in order to perform daily business functions in light of the threat of social engineers.

With the amount of data we can carry around in minuscule devices, travel security is more important than ever. This module introduces staff to the risks associated with transporting sensitive data, offers guidance around how to travel safely with sensitive information and when to leave it at home.


Each module combines instruction with a suite of complementary communications materials, designed to enhance the learning process, including:

Tied to that month’s training module, the tip sheet is a tangible tool that breaks down a larger concept into short, easy steps. These are meant to be printed and distributed at a weekly team meeting, or by individuals, and put on display at each workstation.

Each course combines learning theory and subject matter expertise to deliver a course that is informative and compelling. This content is paired with an interactive exercise that is challenging and engaging. I

Putting a graphical and artistic spin on the learning objectives, these high-impact posters are attention-grabbing and excellent for visual learners, data junkies and the casual observer.

Short, informative pieces that engage the employee with information related to the module’s theme and content. These can be customized in a variety of ways.

Our video series offers practical, memorable tips for DOs and DON’Ts around all of our security awareness topics. Using humor, simple design and brevity, these videos are a great supplement to our training program.


A Successful Cyberattack Often Starts with the Employee

While technology is quick to be blamed, 52 percent of the root cause of security breaches comes from human error1 and 91 percent of successful data breaches started with social engineering or spear-phishing attacks (manipulating emails).2 In most instances, it is the human using the technology, unaware of the security risks, who paves the pathway for hackers to enter an online system and retrieve private data.

The growing world of technology creates a concern for how secure we really are as both individuals and businesses. Who is scanning my messages? How many different companies have my sensitive information? These questions should always be considered, but most people never think about them. Even though businesses may spend millions of dollars on endpoint security, they are losing the security battle as we see online attacks continue to grow. Part of this reason is because online attacks are often categorized as a technology problem, when in fact humans are to blame for poor decision making when it comes to training, security policies, and security awareness as part of an everyday routine in the workspace.

Why Employees Are Your Greatest Security Risk

Most businesses believe technology solutions are enough to help protect employees and their company. While having anti-virus software, firewalls, and proxy servers may help, unfortunately no technology can account for human error and negligence. Hackers are smart. They may send you an email as someone you work with, asking that you download something for them. Anything from your company’s server to a Bluetooth keyboard can be hacked. In the end, it was a conscious decision made by a human to do a specific action that ultimately created a risk. While technology may have allowed the vulnerability to happen, the human is responsible for the attack.

How Can I Protect My Work Outside the Office?

Today’s society is always on the go. Many employees bring their work home with them on laptops and mobile phones or travel for business meetings. While security solutions can help mitigate risks by warning a user about a potential threat or protecting data in the event of a lost or stolen device, it does not stop employees from being phished, failing to review logs, or improperly configuring servers. It is recommended all individuals proceed with caution when accessing information online, using some common best practices such as:

  • Always be on the lookout for anything suspicious. If you receive an email from someone you don’t know or a service you never signed up for, do not engage with the email.
  • Beware of social media. Social media profiles hold a large amount of personal information and can tell anyone where you live, your job information, and even what you are currently doing, making you and your company a target. Even worse, if you’re an account admin, a hacked social media account will give the intruders access to your business profiles.
  • Monitor your activity and do your research. Be careful of the sites you visit, what information you give them and always keep your computer up to date with the latest security software.
  • Use two step verification and unique passwords. This adds an extra layer of protection to your accounts. Even if your password is stolen, this extra required verification code can prevent someone from accessing your account and prevent hackers from guessing your other passwords.
  • Remember to log out. Signing out of your accounts and protecting your devices with a password is essential to blocking others from accessing your accounts. Otherwise, you’re leaving yourself open for anyone to access your device.

Security Awareness Training at Work

Security awareness training in the workspace has been increasing over the years as more companies are becoming stronger targets for security breaches. However, 46 percent of companies still do not offer any type of security awareness training. Of those who do offer training, many employees still fall back on bad habits and leave devices unattended, click on links in unsolicited emails, and store sensitive information on mobile devices.

Businesses are encouraged to think about security awareness training for employees and specialized security training for developers, engineers, and those involved in the development and implementation of security applications. Training employees to become aware of security risks will help protect them both at work and at home, ultimately protecting the company and its assets. Training can also decrease the cost per record stolen by 5 percent, which in the event of a large data breach, could ultimately add up to millions.

Softa SuperStore
Softa SuperStore
Softa SuperStore